California Moves Ahead With Self Driving Trucks Despite Labor Opposition

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California Moves Ahead with Self-Driving Trucks Despite Labor Opposition


California is moving forward with plans to allow self-driving trucks on its highways, despite opposition from labor unions and safety advocates. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has released proposed regulations for the operation of autonomous trucks, and is seeking public comment on the proposal. If the regulations are approved, California would become the first state in the nation to allow self-driving trucks on public roads.

Benefits of Self-Driving Trucks

Proponents of self-driving trucks argue that they offer a number of benefits, including:

Opposition to Self-Driving Trucks

Despite the potential benefits of self-driving trucks, there is also significant opposition to the technology. Labor unions representing truck drivers argue that self-driving trucks will lead to job losses. They also worry that self-driving trucks are not safe enough, and could pose a danger to other drivers and pedestrians. Safety advocates share these concerns, and have called for more research into the safety of self-driving trucks before they are allowed on public roads.

The Future of Self-Driving Trucks

The future of self-driving trucks is uncertain. The California DMV is still considering the proposed regulations, and it is unclear whether or not they will be approved. Even if the regulations are approved, it is likely that self-driving trucks will face significant opposition from labor unions and safety advocates. It is possible that the technology will be further developed, and that the safety concerns will be addressed. However, it is also possible that self-driving trucks will never be allowed on public roads.